CSS Pseudo-Class Reference

Pseudo classes are used for an elements state. Whilst they have a variety of uses, the most common is to style the states of links a.k.a the anchor tag.

Anchor Pseudo-Class

Selector Description Example Ruleset
a:link styles unvisited link
a:link {
  color: plum;
a:visited styles visited link
a:visited {
  color: deepskyblue;
a:hover styles mouse over link
a:hover {
  color: orchid;
a:active styles selected link
a:active {
  color: skyblue;

Play with this example

Pseudo Classes have a range of great uses especially for tables and forms. Take a look below for a small sample of what they can do.

Selector Description Example Ruleset
:first-child styles first child of it's parent element (like this table's first td)
td:first-child {
  background-color: yellow;
::first-letter styles first letter of block a level selector (like this)
td::first-letter {
  color: darkorchid;
:last-of-type styles last element of any type (see the last paragraph on this page)
p:last-of-type {
  color: darkorchid;
::selection styles User's selection (try selecting text in a paragraph above)
p::selection {
  color: plum;
  background: azure;

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